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The gigakin are berserkers whose bloodlines contain a trace of giant. When these berserkers rage, their giantish heritage manifests itself in greater size and strength.

The gigakin is an archetype of the berserker class, available only to half-gigas berserkers.

Elemental Nature (Ex)

At 1st level, a gigakin’s elemental nature becomes fixed. He must select Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, or Wind, and future gigakin class features must match the nature selected. Half-gigas descended from fire, ice, or thunder gigas must select the appropriate elemental nature.

Slam (Ex)

At 1st level, a gigakin gains an additional natural slam attack, also dealing 1d6 points of damage. This slam is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the gigakin is wielding manufactured weapons.

This ability replaces fast movement.

Gigarage (Su)

A gigakin can call upon supernatural sources of strength and ferocity, granting him greater size and prowess. Starting at 1st level, a gigakin can gigarage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can gigarage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like dwarf’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a gigakin can gigarage per day. A gigakin can enter gigarage as a free action. The total number of rounds of gigarage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.

While in gigarage, a gigakin increases in size by one size category. He gains a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size. He also gains a +2 natural armor bonus. The increase to Constitution grants the gigakin 2 hit points per Hit Die, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in gigarage, a gigakin cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

A gigakin whose size increases to Large has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet. If insufficient room is available for the growth, the gigakin attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using his increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If he fails, he is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing him.

All equipment worn or carried by the gigakin is similarly enlarged by the gigarage. Melee weapons affected deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this ability. Any enlarged item that leaves a gigakin’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this ability.

A gigakin can end his gigarage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the gigarage. This fatigue cannot be reduced or mitigated in any way and applies even to normally fatigue-immune characters, but can be cured as normal. A gigakin cannot enter a new gigarage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter gigarage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a gigakin falls unconscious, his gigarage immediately ends, placing him in peril of death.

Gigarage does not stack with magical effects that increase size. A gigakin who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to gigarage while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.

This ability replaces rage.

Giga Powers

At 2nd level and every two berserker levels thereafter, a gigakin gains a giga power that increases his connection to his gigas nature. A gigakin may take Extra Rage Power feats to select extra giga powers.

Armtwist (Ex): The gigakin must have established a grappling hold to use this ability. He utilizes this particular grapple combat maneuver to inhibit strong opponents by twisting the victim’s arm behind their back and pulling it up toward their neck. Using this ability is an option after maintaining a grapple and does his normal slam damage, plus 2 points of Strength damage. This ability is only effective against creatures within one size category of him.

Backbreaker (Ex): The gigakin must have established a grappling hold to use this ability. He opts for this grapple combat maneuver to restrict the movement of dexterous adversaries by positioning the foe atop his shoulders and contorting the victim’s body around his neck. Using this ability is an option after maintaining a grapple and does his normal slam damage, plus 2 points of Dexterity damage. This ability is only effective against creatures within one size category of him.

Bank Shot (Ex): When hurling a rock, the gigakin can attempt to hit one target and cause the rock to ricochet so that it hits another target within 10 feet of the initial target. He makes a single attack roll with a -4 penalty and compare its result to the AC of both targets. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 4th level to select this power.

Bank Shot, Improved (Ex): The gigakin can attempt to hit any number of targets with a single thrown rock, as long as each of them is within 10 feet of the previous target and no target is attacked twice. He makes a single attack roll with a -2 penalty for each target he intends to attack, and compares its result to the AC of all targets. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 8th level and have the Bank Shot giga power to select this power.

Crush (Ex): The gigakin can only use this ability if he is size Large or greater. When charging or jumping, he can fall or land on foes as a standard action or as part of the charge, using his whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents one or more size categories smaller than him. A crush attack affects as many creatures as fit in his space. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + half his berserker’s level + his Constitution modifier) or be pinned, automatically taking slam damage during the next round unless he moves off them. If he chooses to maintain the pin, he must succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape. A crush attack deals double slam damage. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 12th level to select this power.

Crushing Volley (Ex): When the gigakin hits with a thrown rock, he may make a bull rush or trip attempt upon his opponent. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 4th level to select this power.

Elemental Arc (Su): As a standard action, the gigakin can unleash an arc of elemental energy targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This arc of energy deals 1d6 points of elemental damage + 1 point for every berserker level he possesses. This damage is the same element as he chose for his elemental nature. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.

Elemental Aura (Su): The gigakin can use this ability as a free action to emit an aura of elemental energy in a 5’ radius for a number of rounds equal to his berserker level. This energy is the same type as he chose for his elemental nature, and deals 1d4 elemental damage to any enemy within range. At 9th level, this damage increases to 1d6, and at 15th level, this damage increases to 1d8. The gigakin can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.

Elemental Blast (Su): Three times per day, the gigakin can focus his giga power outward, drawing upon energy that the gigakin can barely control. The gigakin can create a burst of energy as a swift action that fills a 30-foot spread centered on the gigakin. This energy is the same type as the gigakin chose for his elemental nature, and deals 1d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 damage for every two berserker levels after 1st. Anyone in this area must make Reflex saves (DC 10 + half his berserker level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage.

Elemental Blow (Su): As a free action before his attack is rolled, the gigakin can imbue his melee or ranged attacks with a special effect based on the elemental nature he has inherited. A creature damaged by such an attack must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half his berserker’s level + his Strength modifier) or be subject to the appropriate elemental status effect (Weighted for earth, Burning for fire, Frozen for ice, Static for lightning, Drenched for water, and Squalled for wind) for 1 round, as though from a spell of level equal to half his berserker level. The gigakin can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.

Elemental Burst (Su): Upon a successful critical hit, his attacks explode with elemental energy. The gigakin deals an extra 1d10 points of elemental damage on a successful critical hit. If his weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra 2d10 points of elemental damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add an extra 3d10 points of elemental damage. This energy is the same type as the gigakin chose for his elemental nature.

Elemental Empathy (Ex): The gigakin may attempt to change the attitude of other creatures that have the subtype matching his chosen elemental nature, due to his readily apparent role as an archetype of the powers of his chosen element, along with intuitive knowledge in the particular modes of communication of every subtype creature of his chosen element. This works exactly like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a non-player character, except he uses his berserker level plus his Constitution modifier to determine the elemental empathy check result. Elemental empathy works on animals and intelligent creatures alike, so long as they are of the appropriate subtype.

Elemental Laugh (Su): As a standard action, the gigakin can unleash a bellowing laugh that strikes fear into the hearts of any enemy within 5 feet per berserker level that hears it. Affected creatures that make a successful Will save (DC 10 + half his berserker levels + his Constitution modifier) are shaken for 1 round and are immune to the elemental laugh for 24 hours. On a failed save, that creature is panicked for as long as it remains within 5 feet per berserker level of the gigakin for 2d4 rounds. The gigakin can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.

Elemental Sheath (Su): The gigakin can use this ability as a free action to bathe his weapon—or even his bare fists—in elemental energy for a number of rounds equal to his berserker level. This energy is the same type as the gigakin chose for his elemental nature, and deals an additional 1d4 elemental damage on any successful attack. At 9th level, this damage increases to 1d6, and at 15th level, this damage increases to 1d8. The gigakin can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.

Fling (Ex): If the gigakin begins his turn with an opponent grappled in his hand (see Grab) that is at least one size category smaller than him, he can attempt a new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, he can hurl his opponent as though it were a boulder. In this case, the flung creature takes normal slam damage, and any opponent the flung creature strikes takes his normal slam damage. Prerequisites: A gigakin must be at least 4th level and have the Grab giga power to select this power.

Grab (Ex): If the gigakin hits with a slam attack, he deals normal slam damage and may attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Grab works only against opponents at least one size category smaller than him. The gigakin has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use one hand. If he chooses to do the latter, he takes a –20 penalty on his CMB check to start and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition himself. The gigakin receives a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple.

Great Hug (Ex): The gigakin must have established a grappling hold to use this ability. He wraps his burly arms around his victim’s torso, literally squeezing the life out of his foe. Using this ability is an option after maintaining a grapple and pins his opponent, in addition to doing double slam damage modified by 1.5x his Strength modifier. This ability is only effective against creatures within one size category of him.

Growing Smash (Ex): When the gigakin makes an attack in the same turn in which he begins a gigarage, the increased momentum from his sudden growth causes the gigakin to deal an additional 2 damage with all attacks.

Impale (Ex): The gigakin use the tactic of grabbing his enemy with one hand, then using his great size to pull his opponent onto his blade, impaling it deeply into his foe’s body. Once per day, if he begins his turn with an opponent grappled in his hand (see Grab) that is at least one size category smaller than him, and a light piercing weapon in his other hand, the gigakin can attempt a new combat maneuver check to maintain the grapple. If it succeeds, he automatically threaten a critical hit with that weapon; if he confirms the critical hit, he has also impaled his opponent. An impaled creature is Immobilized until he releases himself from the blade with a successful Escape Artist or combat maneuver check with a DC equal to his combat maneuver defense. A failed escape attempt inflicts piercing damage to the impaled creature as though he had been struck by the impaling weapon, but without adding his Strength modifier to the damage. Prerequisite: A gigakin must have the Grab giga power to select this power.

Gigakin’s Bag (Su): If the gigakin begins his turn with an opponent grappled in his hand (see Grab) that is one size category smaller than him, he can attempt a new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, he puts his opponent in his magical gigakin’s bag, and the opponent takes his normal slam damage. A bagged creature keeps the grappled condition, while the gigakin does not. A bagged creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon (the amount of cutting damage required to get free is equal to 1/10 his total hit points), or it can just try to escape the bag with an Escape Artist or combat maneuver check with a DC equal to his combat maneuver defense. The Armor Class of the interior of the bag is normally 10 + 1/2 his natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If a bagged creature cuts its way out, the bag gains the broken condition and the gigakin cannot use gigakin’s bag until the bag is repaired. If the bagged creature escapes the bag, it falls prone at his feet, where it may be grabbed and bagged again. Prerequisite: A gigakin must have the Grab giga power to select this power.

Militant (Ex): The gigakin gain proficiency in all martial weapons, armors, and shields. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 12th level to select this power.

Pinning Throw (Ex): The gigakin can attempt to drop a rock directly down onto a foe with a ranged combat maneuver check made with one of his thrown rocks. This has a range increment of half of his normal rock throwing range and, with a successful combat maneuver check, deals normal slam damage and pins his opponent unless they succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + half his berserker level + his Strength modifier) to avoid being pinned. The Escape Artist or combat maneuver DC to escape this pin is equal to his combat maneuver check made to establish it. Prerequisites: A gigakin must be at least 4th level and have the Power Throw giga power to select this power.

Pound (Ex): The gigakin must have established a grappling hold to use this ability. Using this ability is an option after maintaining a grapple against a foe one or more size categories smaller than himself, allowing him to smash the opponent into the ground, walls, nearby trees, or other solid adjacent objects. This deals his slam damage modified by one and a half times his Strength modifier. In addition, the opponent must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half his berserker level + his Strength modifier) or be stunned for one round. The gigakin can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier.

Power Throw (Ex): The gigakin can use his Strength modifier in place of Dexterity on attack rolls with thrown weapons. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 4th level to select this giga power.

Run and Throw (Ex): The gigakin can throw a boulder in the middle of a move action. This ability functions exactly as the Shot on the Run feat, but only applies to a ranged attack with a rock. Prerequisite: A gigakin must have selected the Earth elemental nature to select this power.

Scent (Ex): The gigakin gains the scent ability.

Skipping Stone (Ex): The gigakin can throw a boulder in a smashing line as a full-round action, skipping it off the ground to smash through multiple enemies. All creatures in a line 10 feet wide and a number of feet long equal to his Strength score (rounded down to the nearest 5 feet) take double slam damage modified by 1.5x his Strength modifier, with a Reflex save (DC 10 + half his berserker level + his Strength modifier) for half damage. Prerequisite: A gigakin must be at least 4th level to select this power.

Stomp (Ex): The gigakin can stamp his foot or slam his fist on the ground as a standard action, causing it to shake. All creatures smaller than him standing on the ground within 10 feet must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half his berserker level + his Strength modifier) or fall prone.

Stone Calling (Su): The gigakin can cause any rock within 50 feet per berserker level to fly at a foe simply by calling to it. The rock must be unattended and of a size that he could normally lift and throw. Resolve the attack as though he was standing where the rock is and throwing it at the foe, adding his Strength bonus to damage as normal. The gigakin can even use this ability to hurl rocks at creatures he cannot see, including foes that have total cover from his position. However, he must guess where such foes are, and even if he guess correctly, he has a 50% miss chance. The gigakin can use this ability to confuse foes and attack enemies outside his normal rock-throwing range. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Constitution modifier. Prerequisites: A gigakin must be at least 8th level and have selected the Earth elemental nature to select this power.

Stone-Touch (Sp): As a spell-like ability, the gigakin may join and shape stone or mineral matter with his bare hands in a manner similar to stone shape except that fine details are possible. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier. With this ability, solid walls of stone can be erected, and with the appropriate Craft check, stone tools and weapons may be repaired, and stone tools and weapons may be crafted. Prerequisites: A gigakin must be at least 6th level and have selected the Earth elemental nature to select this giga power.

Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the gigakin can attempt to overrun any creature that is at least one size category smaller than himself. This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the gigakin do not need to make a check, the gigakin merely have to move over opponents in his path. Targets of a trample take an amount of damage equal to his slam damage + 1.5x his Strength modifier. Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the gigakin and receive a Reflex save to take half damage. The save DC against his trample attack is 10 + half his berserker’s level + his Strength modifier. The gigakin can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times his movement takes the gigakin over a target creature.

Water Breathing (Ex): The gigakin can breathe water as well as air. Prerequisites: A gigakin must be at least 4th level and have selected the Water elemental nature to select this power.

These abilities replace rage powers.

Gigas Hide (Ex)

At 2nd level, a gigakin gains an enhancement bonus to natural armor equal to his Constitution modifier. In addition, this bonus increases by 1 at 7th level, and every five berserker levels thereafter.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge.

Gigas Resistance (Ex)

At 3rd level, a gigakin gains elemental resistance equal to twice his berserker level against earth damage.

This ability replaces danger sense.

Fear’s Friend (Ex)

At 3rd level, a gigakin gains a +1 competence bonus to Intimidate checks. These bonuses increase by +1 every three gigakin levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level). The gigakin also receives an insight bonus to saves against fear effects equal to one-half the competence bonus to Intimidate checks (drop fractions).

This ability replaces confuse immunity.

Rock Throwing (Ex)

At 4th level, a gigakin becomes an accomplished rock thrower and gains a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown rocks. He can hurl rocks up to two categories smaller than his size; for example, a Large gigakin can hurl Small rocks. A “rock” is any large, bulky, and relatively regularly shaped object made of any material with a hardness of at least 5. He can hurl the rock up to five range increments. The size of the range increment is 10 ft. per berserker level. Damage from a thrown rock is generally double slam damage modified by 1.5x his Strength bonus.

This ability replaces destructive.

Rock Catching (Ex)

At 8th level, a gigakin can catch rocks hurled at him that he could throw. Once per round, if he would normally be hit by a rock, he can make a Reflex save with a +4 racial bonus to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a rock of a size or smaller that he can throw, DC 20 for a rock one size larger than he can throw, and 25 for a rock two size categories larger than he can throw. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) The gigakin must be aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt.

This ability replaces bloodlust.

Greater Gigarage (Su)

At 11th level, when a gigakin enters gigarage, his size bonus to Strength increases to +6 and his natural armor bonus increases to +3.

This ability replaces greater rage.

Gigarage Form (Su)

At 14th level, when a gigakin enters gigarage, he may choose to assume the form of an elm gigas, fire gigas, hill gigas, ice gigas, or thunder gigas. Once he assumes his new form, he gains the following abilities (instead of those normally granted by gigarage):

  • +6 size bonus to Strength
  • -2 size penalty to Dexterity
  • +4 size bonus to Constitution
  • +4 natural armor bonus
  • low-light vision
  • rock catching, and rock throwing (range 60 feet, 4d6 damage).

If the giant has immunity or resistance to any elements, the gigakin gains resistance 20 to those elements. If the giant has vulnerability to an element, the gigakin gains that vulnerability.

Every round in gigarage form counts as 2 rounds against the gigakin’s total number of rounds per day for gigarage. In all other respects, gigarage form is the same as gigarage.

This ability replaces indomitable will.

Tireless Gigarage (Ex)

At 17th level, the tireless rage ability applies to gigarage but not to gigarage form.

This ability modifies tireless rage.

Mighty Gigarage (Su)

At 20th level, when a gigakin enters gigarage or gigarage form, his size bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by a further +2, and his natural armor bonus increases by a further +1.

This ability replaces mighty rage.