As some of the most ancient, powerful, and capricious creatures in existence, dragons occasionally enter into trysts with unsuspecting mortals or sire offspring with exceptional individuals. Likewise, the great power wielded by these creatures has long intrigued mages and chemists who have sought various magical methods to infuse their bodies with draconic power. As a result, the blood of dragons runs through the veins of the gria. For some, this heritage manifests as a power of their draconic ancestors that becomes an obsession.
The dragoner is an archetype of the berserker class, available only to gria berserkers.
Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The dragoner mainly focuses on STR for martial combat, CON and CHA for their class features, as well as STR for optional class features.
Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Limit Breaks, Fast Movement, Rage, Rage Forms. 2nd – Uncanny Dodge. 3rd – Danger Sense. 4th – Destructive. 5th – Improved Uncanny Dodge. 7th – Damage Reduction. 8th – Bloodlust. 9th – Silent Threat. 11th – Greater Rage. 13th – Fearless Killer. 14th – Indomitable Will. 15th – Rage Strike. 17th – Tireless Rage. 19th – Unstoppable. 20th – Mighty Rage.
Limit Breaks (Su)
At 1st level, the dragoner receives the Limit Breaks (Draconic Blast and Draconic Might).
Draconic Blast (Su): This Limit Break allows the dragoner to use his breath weapon from his dragon form, regardless if he’s in a dragon form or not, and can use this breath weapon even if he has used up his breath weapon usage. The breath weapon deals double its breath weapon damage for this limit break.
Draconic Might (Su): This Limit Break imbues the dragoner with a mighty rage. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four berserker levels after 1st, the dragoner doubles all bonuses gain from his dragon form and doesn’t use up any rounds for the duration of this limit break. This limit break requires only a swift action.
These abilities replace the berserker’s standard Limit Breaks.
Dragon Form (Su)
At 1st level, a dragoner can assume a dragon form.
A dragoner can assume a dragon form (once picked, you are forever stuck with this dragon type) for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can assume dragon form for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from dragon form and spells like dwarf’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a dragoner can assume dragon form per day. A dragoner can assume a dragon form as a full-round action. Using a full-round action to assume a dragon form does not count towards the number of rounds a dragoner can stay in his dragon form in a day. The dragoner can also assume a dragon form as an immediate action after taking damage from an attack. The total number of rounds of dragon form per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
When in dragon form, the dragoner becomes a Medium dragon (gaining the dragon type).
He gains a +4 size bonus to Strength, a +2 size bonus to Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus, fly 60 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, a breath weapon, and resistance to one element.
He also gains one bite (1d8) plus his Strength modifier, two claws (1d6) plus his Strength modifier, and two wing attacks (1d4) plus 1/2 his Strength modifier. All of these natural attacks have a 5-foot reach.
His breath weapon and resistance depend on the type of dragon. He can only use the breath weapon once per day, plus additional times per day when gaining the breath weapon class feature (see below). All breath weapons deal 1d8 points of damage per berserker level and allow a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the berserker’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage. In addition, some of the dragon types grant additional abilities, as noted below. He does not gain any spellcasting, extraordinary, or supernatural abilities from this dragon form. All equipment are melded with his dragon form, losing the benefit of armor and weapons but still benefitting from passive wondrous items such as a Belt of Giant Strength.
Black Dragon: 60-foot line of shadow, resist shadow 30, vulnerability to holy.
Blue Dragon: 60-foot line of water, resist water 20, swim 60 feet, vulnerability to lightning.
Brown Dragon: 60-foot line of earth, resist earth 20, burrow 30 feet, vulnerability to wind.
Green Dragon: 30-foot cone of wind, resist wind 30, vulnerability to ice.
Red Dragon: 30-foot cone of fire, resist fire 30, vulnerability to water.
Silver Dragon: 30-foot cone of holy, resist holy 30, vulnerability to shadow.
White Dragon: 30-foot cone of ice, resist ice 20, swim 60 feet, vulnerability to fire.
Yellow Dragon: 60-foot line of lightning, resist lightning 30, vulnerability to earth.
A dragoner can end his dragon form as a free action and is fatigued after assuming a dragon form for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the dragon form. This fatigue cannot be reduced or mitigated in any way and applies even to normally fatigue-immune characters, but can be cured as normal. A dragoner cannot start a new dragon form while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise assume a dragon form multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a dragoner falls unconscious, his dragon form immediately ends, placing him in peril of death. In addition, rage powers or class features work with dragon form. Dragon form does not stack with any other rage effect (such as defensive stance).
This ability replaces rage and rage forms.
Talons of the Dragon (Su)
Starting at 1st level, the dragoner can grow claws as a free action.
These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing him to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using his full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus his Strength modifier (1d3 if he is Small).
At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if he is Small).
At 11th level, these claws deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of his elemental type on a successful hit. The type of damage dealt is determined by the dragoner’s dragon type.
The dragoner can use his claws for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + his berserker level + his Constitution modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
This ability replaces fast movement.
Maw of the Dragon (Ex)
At 2nd level, whenever the dragoner grows claws, he also gains a bite attack.
This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if the dragoner is Small), plus 1–1/2 times the dragoner’s Strength modifier.
Upon reaching 6th level, this bite also deals 1d6 points of elemental damage. The type of damage dealt is determined by the dragoner’s dragon type.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
Ability Boost (Ex)
At 3rd level, the dragoner’s ability scores start to increase.
He gains a +2 bonus to one ability score of his choice. Every four berserker levels after 3rd, he gains another +2 to one ability score, up to a maximum of +6 in any one stat.
This ability replaces danger sense.
Dragon Resistances (Ex)
At 4th level, the dragoner gains resist 5 against his elemental type and a +1 natural armor bonus.
At 9th level, his elemental resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2.
At 14th level, his elemental resistance increases to 15 and natural armor bonus increases to +3.
At 19th level, his elemental resistance increases to 20 and natural armor bonus increases to +4.
These bonuses stack with the bonuses provided by dragon form and greater dragon form.
This ability replaces destructive, fearless killer, and indomitable will.
Dragon Senses (Ex)
The dragoner’s senses take on a keen draconic edge.
At 5th level, he can select darkvision with a range of 60 feet or low-light vision if he does not yet have both, or he can add 60 feet to the range of his darkvision.
At 11th level, he gains blindsense with a range of 30 feet. If he already has blindsense, he instead increases its range by 30 feet.
At 15th level, he gains either the scent ability or a +4 bonus on Perception checks.
This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.
Scaled Toughness (Su)
At 7th level, the dragoner can manifest the scaly toughness of dragonkind.
Once per day as a swift action, he can harden his skin, giving it a scaly appearance and granting him DR 10/magic. During this time, he is also immune to paralysis and sleep effects. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his berserker level.
At 13th level, he can use this ability twice per day.
At 19th level, he can use this ability three times per day.
This ability replaces damage reduction.
Tail Swipe (Ex)
At 8th level, the dragoner expresses his wrath through sweeps of a wicked tail. He can grow a scaly tail.
This tail can be used only to make attacks of opportunity, but it allows him to make one additional attack of opportunity each round. This tail attack deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 (1d6 if he is Small, 2d6 if he is Large, or 3d6 if he is Huge) + his Strength modifier.
At 10th level, he can attempt a free trip combat maneuver check against any creature damaged by his tail attack. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
This ability replaces bloodlust.
Breath Weapon (Su)
At 9th level, the dragoner gains a breath weapon.
This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of damage of his elemental type per berserker level. Those caught in the area of the breath receive a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + half his berserker level + his Constitution modifier. The shape of the breath weapon depends on his dragon type. At 9th level, the dragoner can use this ability once per day.
At 14th level, he can use this ability twice per day.
At 19th level, he can use this ability three times per day.
This ability replaces silent threat.
Greater Dragon Form (Su)
Starting at 11th level, the dragoner’s dragon form improves. He assumes the form of a Large dragon.
He gains the following abilities, replacing the bonuses of dragon form:
- +6 size bonus to Strength, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor bonus, fly 90 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, a breath weapon, damage reduction 5/magic, and 10 resist to one other element.
- He also gain one bite (2d6), two claws (1d8), two wing attacks (1d6), and one tail slap attack (1d8). In addition, a dragoner’s bite and tail slap attacks apply 1-1/2 his Strength bonus to damage rolls and his bite has reach as though he was one size category longer (10 ft.).
- He can only use the breath weapon twice per day plus additional times per day as per the breath weapon class feature, and he must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. All breath weapons deal 1d8 points of damage per berserker level and allow a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the berserker’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage. Line breath weapons increase to 80-foot lines and cones increase to 40-foot cones.
This ability replaces greater rage.
Wings of the Dragon (Su)
At 15th level, the dragoner can grow a set of leathery dragon wings from his back as a standard action, giving him a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. He can dismiss the wings as a free action. This ability replaces the gria’s flight ability.
This ability replaces rage strike.
Tireless Dragon Form (Su)
At 17th level and higher, a dragoner no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his dragon form.
This ability replaces tireless rage.
Power of Wyrms (Su)
At 19th level, the dragoner’s draconic heritage becomes manifest. He gains immunity to paralysis and sleep. He also gains blindsense 60 feet.
This ability replaces unstoppable.
Mighty Dragon Form (Su)
Starting at 20th level, the dragoner’s dragon form improves yet again. He takes the form of a Huge dragon.
He gains the following abilities:
- +10 size bonus to Strength, a +8 size bonus to Constitution, a +8 natural armor bonus, fly 120 feet (poor), blindsense 60 feet, darkvision 120 feet, a breath weapon, damage reduction 10/magic, frightful presence (DC 20 + his Charisma modifier), and immunity to one element (of the same type of his dragon form that he is granted resistance to).
- He also gains one bite (2d8), two claws (2d6), two wing attacks (1d8), and one tail slap attack (2d6). In addition, a dragoner’s bite and tail slap attacks apply 1-1/2 his Strength bonus to damage rolls and his bite has reach as though he was one size category longer (15 ft.)
- He can use the breath weapon as often as he like, but he must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. All breath weapons deal 1d10 points of damage per berserker level and allow a Reflex save (DC 20 + his Constitution modifier) for half damage. Line breath weapons increase to 100-foot lines and cones increase to 50-foot cones.
- In addition, when transforming into this dragon form, the dragoner gains Frightful Presence out to 30 feet. Opponents within range who witness the action become shaken unless a Will save (DC 20 + his Charisma modifier) is made to resist. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that dragoner’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failed save, the opponent is shaken, or panicked if it has 4 Hit Dice or fewer for 5d6 rounds. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
This ability replaces mighty rage.