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Bear warriors, through a special relationship with bear spirits, literally adopt a bear’s strength in the rage of battle, actually transforming into bears while they fight.

The bear warrior is an archetype of the berserker class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The bear warrior mainly focuses on STR for martial combat, CON and CHA for their class features, as well as STR for optional class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stRage, Rage Forms. 11thGreater Rage. 14thIndomitable Will. 15thRage Strike. 17thTireless Rage. 20thMighty Rage.

Bear Form (Su)

A bear warrior can transform into a bear. At 1st level, a bear warrior can assume the form of a black bear for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. For each level after 1st he possesses, the bear warrior can enter bear form for 2 additional rounds per day. His Strength score increases by +8, his Dexterity score by +2, and his Constitution score by +4. He gains temporary hit points from his new Constitution score and a +2 natural AC bonus. He gains a +2 bonus on Will saves and suffers a -2 penalty to AC while in bear form. He can make two claw attacks at his full normal base attack bonus, each dealing 1d4 points of damage plus his (new) Strength bonus, and one bite attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus his (new) Strength bonus. His weapons, armor, and other equipment merge into his bear form, becoming nonfunctional for the duration of the change (except for items specifically designed to supercede this limitation).

At 11th level, the bear warrior can choose between black and brown bear forms. In brown bear form, the bear warrior’s Strength increases by +16, his Dexterity by +2, and his Constitution by +8. He gains a +5 natural AC bonus, and becomes Large-size (suffering a -1 penalty to AC and attacks). His claw attacks deal 1d8 points of damage plus his Strength bonus, and his bite attack deals 2d8 points of damage plus his Strength bonus. He gains the grab exceptional ability, which he can use when he hits with a claw attack.

At 17th level, the bear warrior no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his bear form. If he enters a bear form again within 1 minute of ending a rage, he doesn’t gain any temporary hit points from his bear form.

At 20th level, the bear warrior can choose between black, brown, and dire bear forms. In dire bear form, the bear warrior’s Strength increases by +20, his Dexterity by +2, and his Constitution by +8. He gains a +7 natural AC bonus, and becomes Large-size. His claw attacks deal 2d4 points of damage plus his Strength bonus, and his bite attack deals 2d8 points of damage plus his Strength bonus. He gains the grab exceptional ability, which he can use when he hits with a claw attack.

When bear form ends, the bear warrior is fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, unable to charge or run) for 1 minute. This fatigue cannot be reduced or mitigated in any way and applies even to normally fatigue-immune characters, but can be cured as normal. A bear warrior can’t enter a new bear form while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a bear form multiple times per day. If a bear warrior falls unconscious, his bear form immediately ends. This ability counts as a rage effect and does not stack with any other rage effects. Bear form works with any and all rage powers or class features.

This ability replaces rage, rage forms, greater rage, tireless rage, and mighty rage.

Bestial Roar (Su)

At 14th level, the bear warrior can let out a loud roar as a standard action. All enemies within a 60-ft.-radius must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the berserker’s level + his Charisma modifier) or become frightened for 1 round per berserker level. If creatures make the save, they are shaken instead for the same duration.

This ability replaces indomitable will.

Bear Smash (Ex)

At 15th level, whenever the bear warrior scores a natural 20 critical hit on a target, he may spend 1 round of bear form to knock his opponent prone.

This ability replaces rage strike.