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An astrologian who spends much time studying the paths of the stars will discover the most truly influential domains of the heavens: the constellations of the zodiac. These twelve signs dominate the events of the world from behind the scenes, and they call for a finely attuned spirit to best mark their passing. Stargazers are devotees of this kind, and their knowledge of the celestial sphere is unmatched.

The stargazer is an archetype of the astrologian class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The stargazer mainly focuses on DEX for combat and WIS for their class features and spellcasting, as well as CHA for an optional class feature.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stDraw, Limit Break (Kinetic Card). 4thRoyal Road. 5thMinor Arcana. 8thSpread. 10thDivination. 11thSleeve Draw. 12thShuffle. 16thTime Dilation. 20thMaster Astrologian.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the stargazer receives the Limit Break (Sidereal Stream).

Sidereal Stream (Su): This Limit Break allows the stargazer to unleash stellar energies in a 60-ft.-line. Enemies within the area of effect take 2d6 points of elemental damage (based on the stargazer’s zodiac constellation) plus an additional 2d6 per four astrologian levels after 1st. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the astrologian’s level + his Wisdom modifier) halves the damage. In addition, if enemies fail the saving throw, they suffer a -1 penalty to AC, attacks, checks, damage, and saves for 1d4 rounds; this penalty increases by1 per four astrologian levels after 1st.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Kinetic Card).

Constellation Pool (Su)

At 1st level, the stargazer gains a reservoir of mystical stellar energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon with elemental damage. This constellation pool has a number of points equal to half his astrologian level (minimum 1) + his Wisdom modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the stargazer rests for a full 8 hours.

Zodiac (Su)

At 1st level, the stargazer selects a major zodiac constellation with which he is most closely tied. Each constellation is associated with a season of the year, as well as with one of four elements.


  • Aries: fire

  • Taurus: earth

  • Gemini: wind


  • Cancer: water

  • Leo: fire

  • Virgo: earth


  • Libra: wind

  • Scorpio: water

  • Sagittarius: fire


  • Capricorn: earth

  • Aquarius: wind

  • Pisces: water

Each season has an associated zodiac aura bonus, which the stargazer may activate by expending a constellation pool point as a swift action. For a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier, the stargazer then emits a major zodiac aura with a radius of 30 feet with the following effects:

  • Spring: Grants the stargazer and his allies Fast Healing up to 50% health.

  • Summer: Grants the stargazer and his allies a circumstance bonus to Attack rolls.

  • Autumn: Grants the stargazer and his allies a circumstance bonus to Saving Throws.

  • Winter: Grants the stargazer and his allies DR/—.

Each bonus has a value of 1 at 1st level. This value increases by 1 at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, to a maximum of 5 at 17th level.

At 1st level, the stargazer also gains an elemental resistance of 2, with the element corresponding to his major zodiac constellation. This resistance value increases by 2 at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, to a maximum of 10 at 17th level. He may also expend a constellation pool point as a swift action to imbue his weapon (including his star globe) with this element for an additional 1d4 elemental damage per tier, for a maximum of 5d4 at 17th level; this effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the stargazer’s Wisdom modifier.

At 10th level, the stargazer may choose a second constellation as a minor zodiac. All minor zodiac aura and elemental resistance benefits he and his allies receive from this second constellation are like those of his first, but have half their value rounded down. He may choose which aura he emits when expending his constellation pool point; alternatively, he may choose to emit his major and minor auras simultaneously by expending 3 constellation pool points (instead of 1). When another ability refers to the stargazer’s zodiac constellation, he may select either major or minor constellation to fulfill its terms. The stargazer may not choose a second constellation from the same season or with the same elemental affiliation as his first. Elemental damage of different types may not be stacked on the same weapon(s); imbuing a weapon with any element in this way will replace the first with the new one with a fresh duration.

This ability replaces draw, minor arcana, divination, and sleeve draw.

Solstice (Su)

At 4th level, the stargazer may expend, as a swift action, up to his Wisdom modifier in constellation pool points to extend the duration and radius of his zodiac aura. The duration is increased by a number of rounds equal to 2 for every constellation pool point expended; the radius increases by 5 feet for every equal amount spent.

This ability replaces royal road.

Equinox (Su)

At 8th level, the stargazer may pass on his stellar energies to his allies. By expending 1 constellation pool point per target, up to his Wisdom modifier, he may imbue his allies’ weapons with his chosen constellation’s element within a radius of 30 ft. His allies’ imbued weapons deal 1d4 elemental damage for every four astrologian levels after 1st, to a maximum of 5d4 at 17th level. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier. The stargazer may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces spread.

Quickening (Su)

At 12th level, the stargazer learns how to unleash stellar energies as a direct attack. By expending a constellation pool point as a swift action, the stargazer attacks with his zodiac constellation’s element as though it were a breath weapon. This attack fills a 15-foot cone and deals 6d6 damage of that element—this damage increases by 1d6 for every two astrologian levels beyond 12th. A creature hit by the stargazer’s quickening can attempt a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the astrologian’s level + his Wisdom modifier) to take half damage. At 12th level, the stargazer can use this ability once per day; at 15th, he can use it twice per day; at 18th, he can use it three times per day.

This ability replaces shuffle.

Epoch (Su)

At 16th level, the base radius of the stargazer’s zodiac auras increases to 60 feet. In addition, all enemies within a 30-ft.-radius of the stargazer suffer negative effects corresponding to the season of his zodiac constellation(s):

  • Spring: Drains health per turn.

  • Summer: Suffers a penalty to Attack rolls.

  • Autumn: Suffers a penalty to Saving Throws.

  • Winter: Suffers a penalty to AC.

The value of these penalties are equivalent to those of his zodiac aura bonuses. If the stargazer has his minor zodiac aura active, his minor constellation likewise inflicts half the penalty value.

This ability replaces time dilation.

Ophiuchus (Su)

At 20th level, the stargazer becomes associated with the hidden 13th zodiac symbol. The stargazer gains DR/— with a value equal to his Wisdom modifier and 5 points of shadow elemental resistance; he may also imbue his or his allies’ weapons with the dark element as he would with his zodiac and equinox abilities. In addition, he becomes immune to fear effects and to critical hits.

This ability replaces master astrologian.