Just clearing my workload that has been building up and updates that have been posted to Discord.


Seto Lion (Base Race): Fixed speed to 50ft, added in quadruped information such as +4 CMD versus trips. Changed Magical Beast into 4 RP and removed cost of Darkvision and Low-light vision as that’s rolled into their typing. Static feat changed to skill training. Added both feat options as alt racial traits. Added Large Bite to alt racial traits.
Tonkin (Base Race): Added Dancing Lantern as an alternate racial trait.


Archer (Core Class): Called Shot was renamed to Targeted Shot. All archetypes and talents updated.
Beastmaster (Core Class): Added Magic Attacks to Animal Companions.
Black Mage (Core Class): Added Buckler and Light Shield proficiency (based off the various FF titles that allowed them to use shields). School Power changed. Added Buckler Mage as a mage talent.
Chocobo Knight (Base Class): Added Magic Attacks to Chocobos.
Cleric (Base Class): Added Domain Metamagics and Faith Magic as faith talents.
Dancer (Hybrid Class): Moved Defensive Roll to Dancer Talents. Added Unfettered Movement in its place. Added Masterful Dances as a dance talent.
Dark Knight (Base Class): No longer needs to be in Darkside to use Abyssal Arts. Removed Armed Maneuver, Armor Specialization, Armored Confidence, Athlete, Devastating Melee Smash, Defensive Training, Extreme Effort, Hardened Fortitude, Melee Defense, Steel Headbutt, Tempered Will, and Unexpected Strike as talents. Added: Abyssal Focus, Broad Offense, Dark Reflection, Dark Sustenance, Defiled Blessing, Determination, Extra Abyssal Art, Feast on Fear, Profane Blade, and Wrath of the Wicked as talents.
Engineer (Base Class): Added Magic Attacks to Automatons.
Geomancer (Base Class): Removed all the 4th+ level status effects off Geomancy, replaced them.
Knight (Core Class): Removed Shield Buffet class feature, replaced with Courtly Refinement. – Suggested by
Necromancer (Base Class): Added Magic Attacks to Bone Commanders.
Paladin (Base Class): No longer needs to be in Oath Stance to use Divine Arts. Removed Armed Maneuver, Armor Specialization, Armored Persuasion, Athlete, Devastating Melee Smash, Defensive Training, Extreme Effort, Hardened Fortitude, Melee Defense, Steel Headbutt, Tempered Will, and Unexpected Strike as talents. Added Blessed Grace, Broad Defense, Cover-Counter, Divine Focus, Divine Shelter, Enduring Flame, Extra Divine Art, Flexible Oath, Sacred Sword, and Surging Confidence as talents.
Summoner (Base Class): Added Magic Attacks to Avatars.
White Mage (Core Class): Added Buckler and Light Shield proficiency (based off the various FF titles that allowed them to use shields). School Power changed. Added Buckler Mage as a mage talent.

Archetypes / Deific Orders

Agent (New Thief archetype): Masters of espionage and disguises who travel the world in search of information. They are well known for keeping a woman–or several–in every port.
Animist (Red Mage archetype): Added Magic Attacks to Construct Companions.
Arcane Archer (Archer archetype): Arcane Pool now replaces Hawkeye, Arcane Archeries moved to 2nd and may replace Archery Talents instead, removed the pull-down menu for talents.
Arcane Gunner (New Gunner archetype): Arcane gunners are ranged warriors that specialize in crushing their foes with enchanted bullets. While not actually caster themselves, they are well versed in the Arcane and can borrow the magicks of allies, adding powerful spells to their bullets.
Azure Knight (Knight archetype): Added Shieldplay, Shield Skills, Practiced Skill, and Perfected Skill.
Elemental Savant (Psychic archetype): Added Elemental Swap as a class feature.
Empty Shephard (New Deific Order for Promathia): Learning the truth comes at a price. A contingent of scholars seeking the ancient city of Tu’Lia made an overwhelming discovery, and entered into The Emptiness. There they glimpsed the truth of their imperfection, and sought to rectify this. These Empty Shepherds now labor to bring about the resurrection of Promathia, the Keeper of the Apocalypse, and his subsequent destruction. Once this is accomplished, every soul will be torn from these imperfect bodies, rushing to the dying Promathia in a perfect reunion.
Homunculus Builder (Chemist archetype):
Added Magic Attacks to Homunculi.
Life Monk (New Monk archetype): Life monks seek perfection through helping others. By focusing their meditations on the flow of life within themselves and all creation they gain an understanding of how to share their ki with others, healing wounds and even bringing the dead back to life. For such a monk, sacrificing himself to save another is the surest way to achieve transcendence.
Marksman (Gunner archetype): Called Shot was renamed to Targeted Shot. Added two abilities to its kit.
Monk of the Wild (Monk archetype): Added Martial Art Style Masteries back in, replacing Blitz Techniques. Added Uncanny Dodge, replacing Ki Pool.
Orator (New Bard archetype): An orator takes effort to master the subtle etiquette of noble courts, the whispers of dark rumors, and the customs of the cultured world.
Pied Piper (New Burmecian Bard archetype): Stories speak of a bard that was capable of charming and commanding swarms of creatures through the power of melody. – Created by TuxedoCatastrophe.
Pluto Knight (New Knight archetype): As long as royalty has existed, there have existed orders of knights who swear their loyalty to protect them. Many in these positions of political power take up the practice of magic. As such, orders of knights must be practiced to defend their spellcaster allies. Some of them practice with the arcane, in order to harness the power of those spells. – Created by Rigby Shepard.
Psyche (Ninja archetype): Added the ability to increase the range of blitzballs for each ki point spent.
Shadow Mage (Necromancer archetype): Added Shadow Magic. Moved Shadowstrike to 2nd level, made it a ranged touch attack, and increased damage from 1d4 to 1d6. Moved Nighteye to 4th.
Skirmisher (Archer archetype): Was missing a few abilities, added them back in.
Spellfencer (Fencer archetype): Arcane Pool now replaces Deflect Arrows, Spell Techniques moved to 2nd and may replace Lunge Techniques instead.
Tyrant (New Black Belt archetype): A black belt who forgoes the brutish nature of pummeling to focus on exploiting the energetic weaknesses of their foes. – created by .
Wizard (Red Mage): Was renamed to Ruby Wizard.


Changes to Undead/Construct for the following spells: Object was added to the Saving Throw & Spell Resistance to these spells – Granite Gaol, Rock Throw, Water Gun, Mud Gun, Entomb I-III, Choco Stone, Choco Light, Choco Ice, Choco Water, Sandpit, Zephyr Arrow, Ice Block, Hydrotwister, Permafrost, Pit of Despair, Ruby Ray, Lava Blast, Northern Cross, Emerald Blast, Sapphire Prison, Flare Star, Aire Tam Storm, Absolute Zero, Chocobo Kick, Constrict, Baleful Blink, Gravity, Graviga, Temporal Stasis, Gravija, Engulf I-III, Stone I-IV, Elemental Touch, Metallisis, River of Wind, Crush, Shock, Slice, Blazing Winds, Flood, Meltdown, Path of the Winds, Black Orb, Scourge, Mini, Prismatic Wall, Saintly Beam, Forceful Strike, Gloom, Fleshshiver, Bite of the King, All-Ichi -Ni, & -San Imperil status spells, Hojo, and Control Winds.
Spells: Imperil , Imperilra , and Imperilga changed from random elements to character chosen, have cl based duration, and now deals 3/7/11d6 of damage. – Suggested by


Campaign Traits: Added Garden Cadet, Warrior of Darkness, Warrior of Light, and Wild Rose Rebel.
Race Traits: Added Antimagic Defiance (Garlean), Coiled Embrace (Lamia), Crash Landed (PuPu), Curse in the Blood (Dracobaltian), Desert Resilience (Bangaa), Emergency Rejuvenation (Shindroid), Flair for Destruction (Kindred), Friendless (Kindred), Holy Magic Affinity (Forsaken), Innocent (Forsaken), Inspirational Support (Tarutaru), Magitek Prodigy (Garlean), Martyr’s Blood (Forsaken), Precision Hearing (Bangaa), Primal Tempered (Beastman Tribe), Sensual Graces (Lamia), Shadow Magic Affinity (Kindred), Sheepishly Talented (Lambkin), Strength of Body (Bangaa), Tribal Hunter (Garif), Unweathered (Shindroid), and Wild Domesticator (Garif).
Regional Traits: Added Baronian Native, Damcyan Performer, Fabul’s Teaching, and Troian Beauty.
Drawbacks: Added Debased Animal (Beastman Tribe)


Bard Feats: Added the following Bardic Masterpiece Feats: Anthem of Pageantry, Bahamut’s Fury, Ballad of the Homesick Esper, The Canticle of Mother’s Reunion, Chaos of the Void, Clamor of Divine Judgment, Dance of Beauty’s Wiles, Dance of the Naga, Dirge of Leviathan, Disguise of the Red Warrior, Endless Waltz of the Tarutaru, Esper’s Aria, Exhilarating Prayer of Fabul, First Broods’ Flight, Garuda’s Spiraling Ascent, Gogo’s House of Imaginary Walls, Hymn of Restored Balance, Ifrit’s Rondo, Legato Piece of the Four Fiends, Life Water in Arid Sands, Limitless Blue, Lingering Leitmotif, Lucian Kings’ Saga, Lullaby of the Lamia Queen, Melody of Life, Melusine’s Dance of Desires, Mindflayer Quadrille, Mysidian Discourse of the Mind, Nidhogg and the First King, Pallavi of the Phoenix, Primal Heart, Ramuh’s Striking Staff, Relentless Reprise, Servants of the Mountain, Sir Bearington’s Jig, Siren’s Requiem, Sorceress’ Fury, Spirit of Syldra, Shiva’s Refuge, Symphony of Dark Elf’s Bane, Symphony of the Dark Messenger, Symphony of the Lunarian’s Ascent, Tales of the Kings’ Shields, Toccata and Fugue of the Phantom Train, Those Chosen By the Planet, The Tragedy of the Final Aeon, Triumph of the Revolution, Under the Weight, Vamo alla Flamenco, Winds of the King in Black, and Wutai Song of Defiance. – Created by
Feats: Improved Power Weapons Wielder added pre-requisite of BAB 6, lowered CL to 6. Advanced Power Weapons Wielder added pre-requisite of BAB 11, lowered CL to 11. Improved Power Weapons lowered duration to 1+1/5 rounds, renamed to Effective Power Weapons. Advanced Power Weapons deleted. Empowered Touch changed to -1:1 instead of -1:2.
Technology Feats: Added Magitek Blade, Magitek Charge, and Magitek Skirmisher.


Blitz Bowl (Optional System Mini-game): Added a new image for the Machina Mobster team. Drawn by .
Deities (Greater Gods): Added Promathia (from FFXI).
Optional System (Variant Multiclassing): Added Hybrid Classes to the mix.
Wondrous Items: Added Talisman of the Summoned Bird